Quickstart ========== This section contains basic information about **sphinx-icon** to get you started. Installation ------------ Use ``pip`` to install **sphinx-icon** in your environment: .. code-block:: console pip install sphinx-icon Extension setup --------------- After installing **sphinx-icon**, add ``sphinxcontrib.icon`` to the list of extensions in your ``conf.py`` file: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ #[...] "sphinxcontrib.icon", ] Icon directive -------------- You can now add icons directly in your documentation: .. code-block:: rst I'm an :icon:`fa-solid fa-folder` icon. I'm an :icon:`fa-regular fa-user` icon. I'm an :icon:`fa-brands fa-500px` icon. I'm an :icon:`fa-solid fa-folder` icon. I'm an :icon:`fa-regular fa-user` icon. I'm an :icon:`fa-brands fa-500px` icon. .. note:: Support is provided for older version of Fontawesome. Documentation using ``fas|far|fab`` or ``fa`` will continue working. Be aware that the icon you want to use may changed name since then. HTML output ----------- In the HTML output, the CSS and JS from Fontawesome 5.15.4 are added to the output in the :code:`` tag. .. code-block:: html