
This section contains basic information about sphinx-icon to get you started.


Use pip to install sphinx-icon in your environment:

pip install sphinx-icon

Extension setup#

After installing sphinx-icon, add sphinxcontrib.icon to the list of extensions in your conf.py file:

extensions = [

Icon directive#

You can now add icons directly in your documentation:

I'm an :icon:`fa-solid fa-folder` icon.
I'm an :icon:`fa-regular fa-user` icon.
I'm an :icon:`fa-brands fa-500px` icon.

I’m an icon.

I’m an icon.

I’m an icon.


Support is provided for older version of Fontawesome. Documentation using fas|far|fab or fa will continue working. Be aware that the icon you want to use may changed name since then.

HTML output#

In the HTML output, the CSS and JS from Fontawesome 5.15.4 are added to the output in the <head> tag.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<webpath>/build/html/_font/fontawesome/css/all.min.css">
<!-- -->
<script src="<webpath>/build/html/_font/fontawesome/css/all.min.js">

Then for each icon role occurence an <i> tag will be used:

<i class="fa fa-folder"></i>

Latex output#

For the latex output, the sphinx-icon extention need to use the webfonts provided by fontawesome. It will thus force the use of the XeLaTex builder to allow use of the fontspec package. Then 3 new font will be added to the preamble of the tex file:


Then for each icon role occurence the following command will be used:


where solid is the font style selected in the role and F007 being the unicode of the selected icon.